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About Us

Sitter4Paws Broward is owned by Alexandra Alvarez, a hard working entrepreneur with a profound love for pets. She is the founder of the Sitter4Paws brand. Now a Fort Lauderdale resident, Alexandra is ready to start growing this amazing business in the Sunshine State. Her passion for animals has been the drive to create and maintain an excellent service that takes care of your precious furry pals when you are not able to.



Alexandra A.

Owner / Manager

Services & Rates

Here is a quick look of the services we have to offer. Click on Learn more for more information.

Pet Sitting & Dog Walking
30 Mins.$25
45 Mins.$33
60 Mins.$40


  • Rush booking (for bookings after 6pm or on the same day): $5
  • Same Day Cancelation (after 6pm the day before or on the same day): $10
  • Trip Cancelation (within 24hrs of the start of service): $5/ booked visit.
  • Holidays*: $7/visit - Peak Holidays*: $10/visit


  • The frequency discount is for regular clients using three or more weekly visits with only one dog per household.
  • Dog Walks Only. No pet sitting or cat visits.
*Holidays: President’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day.
*Peak Holidays: Thanksgiving Weekend (Wednesday-Sunday), December 23rd - January 1st.

Pet Sitting & Dog Walking

We provide stop-in pet sitting and dog walking services where our professional sitters visit your pets at your home up to three times a day for 30 to 60 minutes per visit. During each visit, we take care of any necessary feeding, walking, and cleaning for your pets. Our pricing is per visit, and we don't charge extra for additional pets.

Fort Lauderdale

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